I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
– Dan Wilson
The current Sheriff lacks a strong stance on policies and fails to take proactive measures to provide a shield of protection for We the People. I volunteer and vow to be the man to uphold our rights to Life, Liberty, and Property and will vigilantly continue in this mission throughout my terms of office as Sheriff of Kootenai County.
The US Government has failed to secure our borders, allowing millions of illegals and undoubtedly thousands of non-vetted military aged men to flood into this country. While we may not currently see any visible signs that these illegal individuals are in our area, it lacks common sense and foresight not to plan for when that happens if it hasn’t already. The potential risk is almost unimaginable, combined with the increase of lawlessness throughout the country where the rule of law is all but dead.
Kootenai County needs a Sheriff who will bring the leadership, strength, and direction to be a bastion of protection against the drug epidemic, human trafficking, and other evil forces our county has not yet seen.

It has become apparent over the past decade that the federal government is out of control. The intrusion into the state and local government is unprecedented and far exceeds what our Founders had to say about the separation of powers. Federal law enforcement has become weaponized against political rivals and Equal Protection Under The Law does not exist. Cities have been burned and looted and their citizens terrorized by organized thugs who acted in violation of the law with impunity.
Conversely, parents who have peacefully protested at local school boards have been investigated and prosecuted by federal law enforcement, and people peacefully praying have become the targets of early morning SWAT style raids. It can be argued that federal law enforcement has been weaponized against We The People.
We are at a time and place where we cannot trust the Federal Government to protect the individual’s unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and Property—–in fact, we have seen firsthand numerous examples of federal law enforcement purposely violating law abiding citizen’s civil rights under the disguise of homeland safety.
Because we cannot trust the Federal Government to stay within their enumerated powers as described in the Constitution, it is up to the Sheriff to protect and maintain that barrier. As the chief law enforcement official in the county, the Sheriff swears an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, functioning as a stronghold between the Federal Government and the citizens of Kootenai County.
I have learned from many conversations with members of the community that there is an unanswered outcry from the people eager to provide support for local law enforcement and to be involved in the protection of our rights to Life, Liberty, and Property. I will respond to that outcry as the Sheriff who understands both the importance of sworn peace officers as well as the rights and power of the people to support the Sheriff and his duty to secure the county for all its citizens.
Kootenai County has been a safe and prosperous place due to the labor and sacrifice of those who have gone before us. Together we will continue to pursue that mission to provide their legacy and security for the generations.
Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff 2024
285 W Prairie Shopping Ctr, #530
Hayden, ID 83835
Paid for by Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff, Luann Hopkins treasurer. © 2023 Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff. All rights reserved.