Power Player Pastors of Kootenai County Episode 9

Power Player Pastors of Kootenai County Episode 09

Co-hosts Dan and Dawna Wilson

Episode nine in a series of podcasts covering the Power Player Pastors of Kootenai County.

“The most static, the most abuse that I received during the campaign, was from so-called local Republicans and church leaders. This was a one-off. Something told me I needed to record it. This whole event was in the early stages of the campaign and came on the heals of me questioning Bob Norris and Bruce Mattare’s behaviors in their elected positions. I asked questions on behalf of the people, my questions were purposely twisted by Norris and Mattare, saying that I had accused them of criminal activity. I never said he committed a crime. Their whole argument was based on a lie in the first place.”

In this episode we play an audio recording of Kootenai County Sheriff candidate Dan Wilson and Pastor Tim Remington of Altar Church. The conversation reveals the pastor’s involvement in politics, especially as it relates to the sheriff’s race in 2024. While releasing this audio is controversial and is going to anger some of the church community, it exposes the mishandling of spiritual authority and the bullying and coercion tactics being used against candidate Dan Wilson. The pastor engages in constant double-speak where his alliances and loyalties are in relationship to political power players like sheriff Bob Norris and County Commissioner Bruce Mattare.

Wilson states that the intent of this is to once again draw attention to bad behavior by pastors who should know better, who are heavily involved with the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee in different aspects. These are pastors who are both donors and involved in the KCRCC organization.

Dawna asks Dan, “People are potentially going to have trouble listening to the breakdown of this phone call with Pastor Tim if they don’t first understand why it you recorded this conversation. Why did you record the phone call that day?” Dan says, “To protect myself. The most static, the most abuse that I received during the campaign, was from so-called local Republicans and church leaders. This was a one-off. Something told me I needed to record it. This whole event was in the early stages of the campaign and came on the heals of me questioning Bob Norris and Bruce Mattare’s behaviors in their elected positions. I asked questions on behalf of the people, my questions were purposely twisted by Norris and Mattare, saying that I had accused them of criminal activity. I never said he committed a crime. Their whole argument was based on a lie in the first place.”

This conversation also combines conversations with Pastor John Pedulla of Altar church and his involvement in spreading lies about Dan’s conversation with Pastor Tim Remington. The lies being spread about Wilson were the impetus behind releasing the conversation in its entirety.

Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff 2024
285 W Prairie Shopping Ctr, #530
Hayden, ID 83835

Paid for by Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff, Luann Hopkins treasurer. © 2023 Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff. All rights reserved.