Concerns For Sheriff Bob Norris On High Dollar LACERA Disability
Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff
Click here to view Robert Norris’ disability and benefits retirement amounts for 2022. (source Transparent California)
Sheriff Bob Norris appears to be on a high dollar LACERA disability and prior to his March 14, 2024 “Show Your Proof” challenge to Dan Wilson, had never disclosed to Kootenai County Residents what his disability is. This raises concerns as throughout his term as Sheriff of Kootenai County he frequently breaks down and cries over mundane things.
It appears that Norris began receiving a LACERA benefits and disability package in 2015 yet in the following CDA Press article dated May 14, 2020 Norris states that he earns $130 annually from his pension (as opposed to disability benefits). This article from 2020 states that Norris debunks his critics by providing documents proving he receives a pension (not disability benefits) and then is quoted as saying this should be looked at favorably by voters:
Norris has debunked critics by publishing documents to show perceived malfeasance was based on misinformation, and says he receives no disability payments, but a pension from 30 years at the Los Angeles sheriff’s office. The more than $130,000 he earns annually, he said, should show he is not in the sheriff race for financial gain.
“It should be looked at favorably by voters, because they can be assured that money will not be a factor in my leadership approach as the sheriff,” he said. “Most politicians it seems nowadays enter politics with little and leave with a lot. I believe that if one is financially successful prior to politics, then he or she is less swayed by money when in politics. That is a good thing for Kootenai County voters …”
The Transparent California website is a public pay and pension database that allows users to search pension and disability benefits for California public employees. The search for Robert Norris reveals records dated between 2014 and the most current record in 2022.
Click here for the Sheriff Robert Norris search results showing benefits from 2014 to 2022.
While claiming in the above referenced 2020 CDA Press article that he receives a LACERA pension rather than disability, Bob now finally admits to having a minority percentage disability. Here’s Bob’s most recent statement regarding his disability benefits refuting claims that he’s on 100% disability from the March 14, 2024 “Show Your Proof” challenge: (source The Kootenai Journal)
Norris stated he is not on 100 percent disability. He asked Bushling to review some of his personal medical records and insurance settlement documents. Bushling read aloud to the audience, “the right shoulder is rated at 12 percent impairment” and “the left at 13 percent.” Norris explained these records simply document the injuries so that any future claims or surgeries will enable the insurance companies to divide who pays what.
It seems that Bob Norris is on a high dollar disability from LACERA of over $180k per year which includes disability and benefits, 50% not taxed. There is not only concern for his fitness for office which is displayed in these constant breakdowns and outbursts over trivial things but also his integrity and truthfullness regarding what appears to be his collection of disability benefits since 2015. Is there more to his disability than shoulder injuries that resulted in his high dollar annual receipt of benefits? It seems he hasn’t been forthright about it from the beginning and has only now disclosed this information. Once Dan Wilson began posing these questions, Kootenai County citizens began contacting the Sheriff’s office looking for answers to this question. Where has the accountability been before now? Are Kootenai residents getting all the information regarding Bob Norris’ disability? The people of Kootenai County deserve to know.
There are times that life calls us to have compassion and empathy for another person who is struggling. It’s difficult to see someone you care about breaking down. Then there are the times that life calls for toughness, both physically and mentally…when the situation begs for strength, endurance, and a strong constitution. In times that require unwavering strength and solid leadership, emotional breakdowns and crying are unconscionable.
Retired LASD Detective Mike Bauer ran against Norris for Sheriff in Kootenai County’s 2020 election. Bauer has claimed Norris and his supporters violated campaign laws and used improper “dirty” tactics in their campaign to defeat Bauer.
In the years since 2020 Bauer has continued to investigate Bob Norris’s LACERA disability.
“I suggest Sheriff Norris cease making T Stops in his slick car lest he be forced to violate the terms of his disability retirement. These repeated reports of his stopping citizens in his non-identified vehicle and the citizens being approached by a person in non-standard law enforcement clothing, are evidence he is not in compliance with his hidden work restrictions, and they will result in notification to LACERA as likely violations of California law, as well as to the IRS as evidence that LACERA does not supervise their tax benefitted disability retirees as they must, to comply with Federal law. Just stop it. People don’t feel safe when you do this.” – John Michael Bauer (ret) LASD 33 years

Bauer goes on to say that due to the fact that Norris has continued to discuss publicly his LASD California Worker’s Compensation claim/disability retirement and health injury information, that he assumes he thus waives his right to privacy about his health history.
The Transparent California website publishes Norris’s retirement pension as being a Disability Pension and Kootenai County voters have asked him what restrictions have been placed on his duties as the Kootenai County Sheriff.
Bauer has shared a screenshot of the data as shown in the California Worker’s Compensation Claim index, which displays permanent physical incapacitation that justified a tax favored retirement out of California including a cardiovascular event or diagnosis of some kind which Norris has never admitted to his Kootenai County constituents.
“Is this an interstate conflict? If it bothers you, elect a non-disabled sheriff and be done with the confusion.” – Mike Bauer

Pensions are normally paid out upon legal retirement age. Disability benefits however are normally paid out immediately (and in some cases prior to retirement age) due to an employee’s inability to perform in their previous capacity thereby inhibiting their income potential.
The General Election is on November 5, 2024.
For more information on voter registration in Kootenai County, Idaho or to register to vote visit
Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff 2024
285 W Prairie Shopping Ctr, #530
Hayden, ID 83835
Paid for by Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff, Luann Hopkins treasurer. © 2023 Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff. All rights reserved.