Concerns For Sheriff Bob Norris On High Dollar LACERA Disability

Concerns For Sheriff Bob Norris On High Dollar LACERA Disability Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff Click here to view Robert Norris’ disability and benefits retirement amounts for 2022. (source Transparent California) Sheriff Bob Norris appears to be on a high...

Bob Norris Misquotes Dan Wilson For Campaign Fodder

Bob Norris Misquotes Dan Wilson For Campaign Fodder Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff Some people have said to me, “Be sure to run a clean campaign.” Yes, I can run on my record of being a strong leader in the community for 12 years as an unpaid reserve Police Officer,...

Was Dan Wilson a Real Cop?

Was Dan Wilson a Real Cop? Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff It’s easy to misunderstand the role of a Reserve Police Officer which can lead to false assumptions and misleading statements regarding Dan Wilson’s 12 years of service as a fully commissioned Reserve Police...