Bob Norris Feigns Interest In Vetted Citizen Volunteers

Bob Norris Feigns Interest In Vetted Citizen Volunteers Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff Bob Norris feigns interest in vetted citizen volunteers only after Dan Wilson announces plan to implement a vetted citizen’s posse in Kootenai County, Idaho. In a statement...

The Downside To Career Law Enforcement In The Office Of Sheriff

The Downside To Career Law Enforcement In The Office Of Sheriff Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff In a statement released on his Instagram account on January 6, 2024, Dan Wilson stated the following: I am unfortunately  seeing  a concerning trend in law enforcement...

Norris Failed To Take A Stand During COVID

Norris Failed To Take A Stand During COVID Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff In a statement released on his Instagram account on January 3, 2024, Dan Wilson stated the following: My opponent brags “I am the only candidate that protected your rights during COVID by an...

Norris Announces Candidacy In Race Against Wilson

Norris Announces Candidacy In Race Against Wilson Media Source: KHQ News On January 3, 2024 Robert “Bob” Norris has announced he will be running for re-election. See KHQ’s full news story here. Dan Wilson officially announced his candidacy for...

Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff Q&A Episode 2

Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff Q&A Episode 2 Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff Dan Wilson answers questions from the community in Kootenai County including, “What have you already done to prepare for the role of sheriff in Kootenai County 2024?”...