Exposed: Kootenai County GOP Desperate To Maintain Power

Sep 18, 2024 | Media, Press Release, Special Information

Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff

Dan Wilson kicked a hornet’s nest when he entered the race for sheriff in Kootenai County, Idaho.

It seems that some career government employees and politicians are enraged that a perceived outsider dares to challenge their political dynasty. 

Wilson cannot be bought or sold. He is a free man which has made him very dangerous on the political landscape. He’s never had political aspirations. He speaks his mind and says what needs to be said because he won’t bend to supporters, the wealthy, or influential people. One of his messages to the people of Kootenai County is, “No secret alliances. No big money.”

When Dan, a lifelong conservative, announced his race for Sheriff in early December 2023, he was met with instantaneous vitriol from the local Republican party. He was sent messages by proxy from the local GOP not to run and that the current sheriff did not need to be challenged. It didn’t take long before the Wilson campaign began hearing similar messages in local, political chat and news groups with the common theme being, the current sheriff Robert “Bob” Norris deserves to run unopposed, a complete departure from what we should all agree is our republican process. Wilson says, “If somebody wants to enter a political race because they think they can do a better job, that’s what we do as Americans.”

Dan Wilson is a strong contender with experience in both law enforcement and the private sector and is a man who should have been welcomed into a “conservative” party with at least general curiosity. Instead, what happened was immediate rejection alongside unmitigated venom. People claiming to have aligning values began attacking Wilson out of the gate from every angle, including personally and professionally. While such reactions are expected in politics, the backlash, hate, and recognizable panic of the opposition in a self-proclaimed conservative party seem to point to something more.

Due to this counterattack by the local Republican establishment, Dan changed his party affiliation before the primary election in 2024 from Republican to Unaffiliated and is now running as an Independent. Wilson says, “Being independent from the 2-party system couldn’t be more fitting for myself as a candidate running on the promise of Equal Protection Under the Law for Everyone. I believe that my race for sheriff of Kootenai County is happening at exactly the right time in history when the true voice of independent people is hanging on by a thin thread. Career government employees and political parties are holding authority, and they have become enraged that I dared to challenge their tight grasp on that power. The office of sheriff should not be controlled by a political party, where they’re willing to create alliances and spend as much money as is necessary to keep their guy in office.”

Dan Wilson has proven success and dedication to his community by serving for 12 years as a special commissioned reserve police officer while also running two highly successful commercial construction companies for 25 years which are still in business today. As a reserve officer Wilson completed all the same steps as any full-time law enforcement officer including completion of Peace Officers Standards and Training Academy (POST). Wilson served his community as a police officer for thousands of hours, is multi-disciplined, successful in business, loves law and order, and is a brilliant communicator. There’s a certain segment of local officials in the Republican party and at Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office who are feeling severely threatened which is displayed by the disparagement of Wilson’s service and undeniable success.

Are we the people losing the ability at the local level to challenge the political office holder of sheriff? Has the office of the Sheriff been relegated to career law enforcement touting that law enforcement ladder climbing is greater than integrity, morality, or private sector experience? The office of the sheriff has historically been a highly regarded, unique position in law enforcement as a representative of the people. The sheriff is not the “top cop”. The sheriff is elected to the position to represent the people and is established to be the last line of defense between the county and an out-of-control federal and state government.

Is a sheriff who has been a career law enforcement employee best suited to act in the greatest interest of the people? Is a sheriff who has been a career law enforcement employee best suited to petition taxpayers for the sheriff’s office ever-expanding budget? Is a sheriff who has been a career law enforcement employee best equipped and qualified to say no to government overreach when they’ve spent a career making alliances as a government employee?

Facts to consider as the outrage continues from the current sheriff, his advisors, and in Kootenai County’s GOP:

  • The current sheriff of Kootenai County is retired from LASD and for 30 years served under one of the most corrupt administrations nationwide. He continues to maintain financial and political ties to that administration
  • Bruce Mattare, the sheriff’s campaign manager in 2019/2020 hails from Washington DC where he spent most of his career in what appears to be predatory lending businesses. He is now one of three Kootenai County Commissioners who votes on approving the sheriff’s budget. Sheriff Norris has also given this same county commissioner Bruce Mattare a special deputization. It remains unclear what access to privileged information that Bruce Mattare has. Mattare also serves in a public relations capacity for Bob Norris
  • Dan Wilson has become a recognizable local public figure and a strong contender for sheriff of Kootenai County. Despite this, local media continues to suppress Wilson’s message. While some local outlets made mention of Wilson when his campaign announcement was made last December, there has been no further coverage by local media regarding Wilson’s campaign.
  • Local journalists and reporters will not do their job to publish interviews or information regarding this race for sheriff outside of the incumbent Bob Norris. In response, the Wilson campaign has been doing their own investigative research and reporting. They’ve created a media distribution channel with a robust websiteweekly livestream broadcasts, podcasts and engaging social media
  • The current sheriff has completely ignored Wilson’s request for a fair and legitimate debate and has doubled down on the clown show he produced in March 2024 which was his own Norris campaign stunt. Ultimately the Norris’ clown show was a failed attempt to discredit Dan Wilson
  • The current sheriff claims there is no human trafficking in our county even though the people who live here know that it’s happening, and it has been happening for years
  • The current sheriff has been subversive in his efforts to bolster the department with 360-degree license plate recognition technology despite an enormous backlash from citizens regarding surveillance
  • The current sheriff has been witnessed to be emotionally unstable, often crying over nothing and lashing out against persons who dare challenge him. He’s currently receiving a large disability retirement of over $180k per year from Los Angeles County Employee Retirement Association (LACERA) and has never been forthright with the people of Kootenai County as to what his disability is or the associated restrictions of his disability
  • The local GOP & PAC’s, local mega churches and their pastors, the fraternal order of police, and local media all seem to be working together to suppress an opponent to the incumbent sheriff Bob Norris. When did they all begin working in unison?
  • Dan has received direct communication from many deputies and admin staff from inside the sheriff’s office who are desperate due to the current environment of favor to those aligning with the current sheriff Bob Norris who it seems has effectively created his own deputy gang. KCSO has a lack of leadership, plummeting morale, and record-breaking staffing issues

Dan’s firmly held belief is that the sheriff is first and foremost a representative of the people, not a career government employee. He has been successful in business with experience leading people and is accomplished in robust administrative functions.

Wilson says, “Bob Norris has never created a job out of thin air. Bob Norris has never built a budget from the ground up. Bob Norris has spent a career being propped up by department officials and administrative staff. The only professional experience Norris has had outside of being a government employment was the year he spent in used car sales while he was on paid medical leave from his job at LASD. Bob Norris is a liability to the people of Kootenai County.”

Dan Wilson promises to uphold law and order, seek justice, and catch the bad guys who are a true threat to this community. He says, “I will work alongside KCSO deputies and staff with the appreciation and respect they deserve which is something Bob Norris is incapable of accomplishing.”

Kootenai County Commissioner Bruce Mattare

The General Election is on November 5, 2024.

For more information on voter registration in Kootenai County, Idaho or to register to vote visit

Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff 2024
285 W Prairie Shopping Ctr, #530
Hayden, ID 83835

Paid for by Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff, Luann Hopkins treasurer. © 2023 Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff. All rights reserved.