Kootenai County Commissioner Bruce Mattare Says Reserve Officer Program Too Hard To Implement

Jan 8, 2024 | Media, Press Release

Media Source: The Idaho Sheriff

Kootenai County Commissioner Bruce Mattare obstructs Dan Wilson’s proposed reserve officer program that could save taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In a statement released on his Instagram account on January 7, 2024, Dan Wilson stated the following:

One of  my top 3 priorities as Sheriff of Kootenai County will be to implement a strong reserve deputy program as outlined in Idaho Administrative Code IDAPA 11.11.01. This program  will allow qualified individuals already in our community the ability to  volunteer their time, skills, experience, and services back to the county resulting in both savings to the county as well as providing high speed support for deputies. This will be a force multiplier and a net gain to our county.
Note that commissioner Mattarre attempted to claim that having a reserve program was not feasible due to the actions of the state legislature and Boise. Why would Mattare mislead the public? Perhaps it is because he is ignorant of IDAPA 11.11.01 and did not fully have the facts prior to speaking OR perhaps it was because he was attempting to discredit me as a candidate for sheriff.

It is important to remember that commissioner Mattare was (is?) Bob Norris’s campaign manager and after Norris was elected sheriff, he gave Mattare a special deputization (prior to being a commissioner)  allowing Mattare to be privy to all sorts of confidential information that Norris shares with him. This is highly unethical, and one has to wonder what information he (Mattare) is privy to and using against his political rivals. Has Mattare ever completed the requirements to be a certified peace office in the state of Idaho or any state? 

Click here to read more from the CDA Press, November 19, 2023 article regarding Bob Norris’ deputization of political officials.

The General Election is on November 5, 2024.

For more information on voter registration in Kootenai County, Idaho or to register to vote visit https://www.kcgov.us/329/Registration-Voting.

Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff 2024
285 W Prairie Shopping Ctr, #530
Hayden, ID 83835

Paid for by Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff, Luann Hopkins treasurer. © 2023 Dan Wilson for Kootenai County Sheriff. All rights reserved.